Cheryline from Tennessee

Cherylline Isreal, Indique Salon Partner and Educator retails Indique hair out of her popular salon located in Antioch Tennessee, Styles by Cherylline. Cheryline also specializes in lace front wig applications and has a long list of clientele who go to her for flawless weave applications. Attention: All stylists in South Africa! Look out for Cheryline in May at the Indique Academy Training Sessions. She will be teaching at Indique’s training facility in Africa, providing you with new and innovative lace wig application techniques!
Cherylline is wearing Indique’s, straight texture, Venus lace front wig. Great look on you Cheryline!
If you’d like more information about the Indique Academy South Africa Training Sessions. Please contact Indique Academy to register. International callers: 646.201.4882 ext. 706 / US callers: 877.556.4247 ext. 706.
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