Born to Dance: Make Overs!

Watch the top 6 dancers on LauriAnn Gibson’s Born to Dance, get made over with Indique Hair! The ladies used HYSTERIA & PURE Collections to achieve their new looks! Karim Odoms gives styling tips below on how to get their looks!
Styling Tips #7
Transformation Time
Ladies its easy to get stuck and comfortable with a certain look, style, cut, color, or being attached to your hair. When we makeover our outer, the true transformation is taking place within! You are making over a new you, reintroducing you to the world !
Jessica - Just like Jessica if you always had long hair, go for a shorter sassy look that brings out your beautiful face and features. A short cropped haircut that is easy to maintain. It can be styled with your fingers with little product and become so versatile. We took her from a light to a darker chocolate shade with a pop of beige blonde around the face that made her eye color pop !
KC - We took KC from the pretty sweet innocent girl next door to the feirce firey ferocious beast with a pop of color. Fire engine red hair mixed with jet black , powerful & bold. An asymmetric bob cut to perfection giving you 1/2 face & 1/2 feirce movement !
Hennessy - Long hair… she don’t care no more! Chopping off her locks, with a blunt edgy bob with sharp bangs gave her full movement framing the picture perfect face. We added color with red violet tones to warm her beautiful skin tone!
Ice - We transformed the natural beauty and we took her from short to long adding Indique Hair extensions with a straight diva vixen feel. Bringing out the star diva from within! We lightend the hair in beautiful carmel and chesnut browns for a softer sexier side of her .
Jelly - For this natural born diva, we just pumped and turned up the volume. We decided to keep her hair long with Indique’s PURE & HYSTERIA Collections, and colored her natural hair for the lighter to dark to look . Dimensions of beautiful blonde and platinum bold hightlights cutting soft layers feircly throughout her entire head to match this diva personality!
LaTonya - We wanted to add some softness and mix it with the edge. Relaxing and cutting the sides shorter , we took her from curly to straight, cutting lots of layers to create more movement and bounce to accent her slicing and dicing moves . Also this style is versatile, it can be worn in a mohawk, switched to either side or down for the illusion of a full head weave. We used PURE Straight from Indique for her look.
A makeover is never complete without Indique , so don’t be afraid to be transformed . It changes your life !!