Entries in Fun (5)


12 Days of Gaga!

Lady Gaga is set to have a pop up shop in Barney’s New York. This workshop will open on November 21st at 11:59pm. Candy lipsticks, malted milk balls, chocolate poker face chips, disco stick lollipops, hair bow headbands, press on nails, and much more will be sold from November 21st- January 2nd. Prices will range from $6 chocolate christmas ornaments to $4,100 pairs of Lady Gaga inspired black shoes. Who’s joining me in this grand opening?

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*UPDATE* Indique NYC: Halloween gone wild!

So guess who was WONDER WOMAN for Halloween??

Angela Simmons!


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Style Survey: Indique Boston

What is the ONE beauty item you cannot live without?!


I believe I look better with a glow, so that’s why I can’t live without my NARS-Laguna Bronzer/Orgasm Blush Combo.  NARS’ bronzer looks great on any skin color and creates an illusion of a flawless tan without the work of a tanning bed.


Hands down my Makeup Forever HD Foundation, its’ honestly heaven it a bottle. I’m usually a die-hard MAC fan but I happen to be in Sephora and picked up this one since I had run out of my MAC one. It makes my face look completely airbrushed and it goes on superlight. You can say I’m slightly obsessed!


I could not live without my mascara.  People are always commenting on my eyes and lashes so those are the features I like to play up the most. One swipe really makes a difference in my overall look. I use two that are very affordable and in my opinion ‘drugstore gems’. I like Rimmel’s Glam Eyes for everyday wear. It lengthens and separates nicely and gives you a “doe-eyed” effect. At night I’ll usually layer the Rimmel with a few quick swipes of the classic Maybelline Great Lash for some added drama. I find it adds some nice volume and the small brush makes it easier to reach spots that a bigger brush might miss.


Express Jeans Calls for ALL Models!

Practiced your cat walk lately? Well, Express Jeans is attempting to break the world record of most people to ever model on the runway! The current record is 521! It is open to the general public in Times Square July 23rd from 9am-6pm. All participants will get an Express runway t-shirt and a chance to win a $250 Express gift card! Get your pumps out and your Indique Hair & practice your strut!


Can Curlers

Lady Gaga never ceases to display innovative hairstyles. In her  new video “Telephone” ft. Beyonce she bring a whole new meaning to curls that “pop” using diet coke cans as rollers.

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